Sunday, February 5, 2017

La la land Free Online Full Movie

la la land free online full movie

Title: La La Land (2016)
Release date: Dec 25, 2016 (USA)
IMDB Rating: 8.6/10
Writer: Damien Chazelle
Director: Damien Chazelle
Stars: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Amiée Conn, Terry Walters
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Musical, Romance
Production Companies: Marc Platt Productions, Gilbert Films, Black Label Media, Impostor Pictures 
Runtime: 128 mins


It would be inaccurate to say there’s never been a film like La La Land — there have been movies like it many times before — but it’s been a while. Movie musicals these days are mostly lifeless exercises in prestige and Broadway adaptation, The original movie musical — with songs writing explicitly for the screen — is about as rare a species as the South China tiger.

So when Seb (Ryan Gosling), a struggling musician living in Los Angeles, says in La La Land that he loves jazz because “it’s conflict and compromise. It’s new every time — and it’s dying,” it’s clear he’s not just talking about jazz. Seb is also a conduit for La La Land writer/director Damien Chazelle to express his frustration with the state of movie musicals and, through Seb’s romance with an aspiring actress named Mia (Emma Stone), to do something about it. With infectious enthusiasm, charismatic leads, gorgeous songs, vibrant colors, and dazzling camerawork, La La Land restores the original movie musical to its former glory.

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