Saturday, February 11, 2017

Manchester By The Sea Free Online Streaming

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Title: Manchester by the Sea (2016)
Release date: Dec 16, 2016 (USA)
IMDB Rating: 8.2/10
Writer: Kenneth Lonergan
Director: Kenneth Lonergan
Stars:  Casey Affleck, Ben O'Brien, Kyle Chandler, Richard Donelly
Genre: Drama
Production Companies: Big Indie Pictures, Pearl Street Films, CMP Entertainment, K Period Media, B Story, The Affleck/Middleton Project
Runtime: 137 mins


Sometimes we're not sent to hell: We live there already.

Lee Chandler was happy once. He had a wife. Three children. His whole family—father, brother, the entire brood—lived in Manchester, Mass., a pretty, chilly community on Cape Ann. Brother Joe owned a boat. And sometimes, when the weather permitted, Joe would take his own son, Patrick, as well as Lee out to sea—a bright white boat bobbing between gray water and gray sky.
But then a tragic accident shattered Lee's life. Now he lives alone in Boston, if you could call it living. He works as a janitor, cleaning toilets and shoveling snow. He sees each day with the same cold eyes, greets each moment with the same unsmiling mouth. Then, when work's done, he heads to his cramped basement apartment, shuts those cold eyes for a few hours until he must open them again. 

He doesn't try to kill himself—not anymore—so he just kills his time, day by meaningless day.
Then one day, Lee gets word that Joe's in the hospital again—another heart attack. He rushes back to Manchester. But by the time he arrives, it's too late: Joe's gone. The man who for so many years served as Lee's only light and support in a cold, gray world is now a cold, gray slab in the hospital basement. 

Lee breaks the news to Patrick during his high school hockey practice. The next few days are a storm of preparations for the funeral, for the wake, for what comes next.


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